Kingston moms




What types of topics are covered?

There are a variety of topics discussed such as managing the house, parenting, marriage, and child development.

Where do you meet? Are there any fees?

A group of about ten mothers meet at the home of an animator. Discussions take place in the kitchen while the children play in the living room.

There is no charge for the Kingston Moms Group.

How often does the group meet and are you still able to meet while meeting public health guidelines for COVID-19?

Typically, the group meets once a month, on a Thursday morning, from September to June. Some moms get together each month on Tuesday evenings remotely for conversations, discussions and to remember the good they all do, recognize the challenges they face, and stress the importance of perspective.

Are children welcome?

The children are welcomed and supervised by retired volunteers while the mothers have their appointments.

What happens in a typical meeting?

Meetings start at 10:30 am with socialization followed by discussion and potluck lunch.

Contact us for more information